Fidya and Fitrana Amounts Announced for Ramadan 2024 in Pakistan

Mufti Muneebur Rehman, a respected religious leader in Pakistan, has released the official amounts for Fidya and Fitrana for the upcoming Ramadan in 2024.

What is Fidya?

Fidya is a form of compensation for those unable to fast during the holy month of Ramadan due to reasons like health conditions, travel, or other valid circumstances. Muslims are obligated to observe all 30 fasts, and Fidya provides a way to fulfill their religious duties.

Fidya Amounts for 2024:

ItemCost per Roza (Fast)Cost for 30 Fasts

Those with greater financial means are encouraged to donate more than the specified amounts.

What is Fitrana?

Fitrana is a mandatory charitable donation made before the Eid al-Fitr prayer at the end of Ramadan.

Fitrana Amount for 2024:

The Fitrana amount is the same as the Fidya rates listed above and applies to each individual in the household.

What is Kaffara?

Mufti Muneeb emphasized that Kaffara is required for those who intentionally break a fast without a valid reason outlined in Islamic teachings. Kaffara involves feeding 60 people in need.

Kaffara Amounts for 2024:

Wheat Flour (2kg)Rs18000
Barley (4kg)Rs36000
Dates (4kg)Rs144000
Raisins (4kg)Rs264000

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