HBL PSL 6 anthem ‘Groove Mera’ released • The anthem has been sung by Naseebo Lal, Aima Baig & Young Stunners, the music video features Shadab Khan, Sarfraz Ahmed, Shan Masood, Babar Azam, Shaheen Shah Afridi & Wahab Riaz Karachi, 06 February 2021: The HBL Pakistan Super League 6 anthem, “Groove Mera” has been launched […]
2021 Is Going to Be the Shortest Year in Decades and Here Is Why?
Research suggests that in the last five decades the Earth is rotating faster than it ever has. This has made experts realize that 2021 could become the shortest year in decades, even shorter than 2020. However, this does not mean that we will be celebrating 2022 shortly. In fact, the time difference will be so […]
Pakistani Women Fight Against the Odds to Provide Polio Vaccine
Pakistan is amongst the few countries where polio virus is still spreading. While other countries have used vaccine and other preventive measures to get rid of this virus, Pakistan is still struggling to vaccinate children and change mindsets of people regarding this vaccine at the same time. Recently, Polio Vaccine Drives have been happening frequently […]
WhatsApp Introduces New Privacy Policy and Pakistani Memes Are Breaking the Internet
WhatsApp Introduces New Privacy Policy and Pakistani Memes Are Breaking the Internet WhatsApp is one of the largest messaging apps globally, especially in Pakistan where people depend on it for chats, calls and transferring documents and pictures. Up till now, WhatsApp was deemed as one of the most reliable platforms for communication because of the […]
Increase in Demand for Telegram and Signal After WhatsApp Updates its Terms & Conditions
Increase in Demand for Telegram and Signal After WhatsApp Updates its Terms & Conditions WhatsApp has been a popular messaging app globally due to its user-friendly features and reach. However, a recent update in its terms and conditions has ignited a debate and some people are not agreeing with it. To an extent that many […]
“iBleedGreen” a national movement to empower all athletes, across all sports
Continuing his mission to support Pakistan’s neglected sport, Shoaib Malik – the former captain of Pakistan Cricket team – has launched “iBleedGreen” a national movement to empower all athletes, across all sports. And to kick-off the campaign, Malik has announced to initiate funding to support Pakistan’s champion wrestler Inam Butt to ensure his participation in […]
Travelling in museum gonna make memorandum
Suspendisse eu suscipit urna, vitae rhoncus dui. In vehicula, lorem ac aliquet lobortis, elit odio dapibus dui, at tempor dolor neque in enim. Integer tincidunt sapien eu elit malesuada dignissim. Nunc ultrices eu magna nec consequat. Proin eget lectus faucibus, vehicula mi id, rutrum nisi. Suspendisse in vestibulum ligula. Nunc rutrum massa in libero blandit, […]
Family tour packages are coming soon
Duis dapibus, augue et dapibus egestas, justo est accumsan justo, eu blandit metus ligula eu ligula. Duis eget lacus nulla. Maecenas ac quam aliquet, tincidunt purus et, vehicula ligula. Maecenas sagittis dignissim auctor. Ut sed diam at urna hendrerit vestibulum vel eget eros. Fusce congue vulputate risus, nec lobortis lorem auctor vel. Proin ut massa […]
Hanging with friends is best option to travel
Praesent libero nisi, commodo nec velit ac, porta fermentum nisl. Nunc metus lorem, fringilla eget odio a, pretium ullamcorper lorem. Vestibulum pellentesque lectus convallis dapibus laoreet. Etiam lacinia quam non eros lobortis feugiat. Aliquam iaculis hendrerit euismod. Nunc quis vulputate arcu. Aenean non pharetra dolor. Integer a sollicitudin enim. Praesent eu eros vel enim sagittis […]
Get a map to locate your exact location
Morbi semper faucibus ante, non malesuada ligula rhoncus vel. Donec et vehicula urna. Mauris at ligula ullamcorper neque placerat efficitur. Fusce eu nisi quis dolor ullamcorper pulvinar. Sed luctus odio ligula, eu ornare urna rutrum sit amet. Donec ipsum neque, volutpat eget elementum ac, ullamcorper quis orci. Nunc elementum venenatis tincidunt. Suspendisse vel mollis turpis. […]